Ceiling Fan Blade Stained Edge Revival

Kung Fu Maintenance shows how to revive ceiling fan blade edges that are stained discolored or chipped.

So you’ve tried every cleaner under the sun to get your ceiling fan edges clean here but it’s just a gonner.

Ceiling Fan Blade Edges Stained

Ceiling Fan Blade Edges Stained

What I have got to show you today is how you can use these appliance bottles of appliance touch up paint to fix up theses edges and make it look like new again. If you have seen any of my videos you have probably seen me use these for just about everything but here is one that I have not showed you before. This is just a nice way to revive things if you didn’t want to just run out and replace the ceiling fan. New ceiling fan on the cheap end probably costs about 75 bucks. This way a little four dollar bottle of touch up paint it wont even take the whole bottle. You will have it to use for other things. It is a nice easy way to revive your ceiling fan. Get it going again!
Ceiling Fan Blade Stained Edge Revival

Ceiling Fan Blade Stained Edge Revival

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