Got a fan that is spinning backwards. Most of these have a switch of some kind. Some of them it is underneath the glass. This one is right here.
And now it will turn the right way.
Sometimes for a winter setting you can set it this way and that will help save some money on heat. But this one was going the wrong way. At least for my setting.
It’s still warm, even in December towards January.
There it is. So when you want to use it to get cooler, we want the air blowing down. When we want it to get warmer we want the air blowing up.
OK. I got my nice new ceiling fan here. Only one small design flaw that I found with the fan here. Which isn’t too major of a deal. But it’s this little trim plate here. Right here you can see these little anchors that should anchor in there.
Well problem is when we’re installing this on an angled mount. The mount sort of sits off to the side and that doesn’t work so well. So not a big deal. Not really a design flaw in the company itself per say. Just a situation for me.
So going to show you the easy way. Nice easy way to fix this up. I don’t want to glue it on there forever I just want to glue it on there so that it stays on there. What I am going to do is just use a little dab of silicone right here and I’ll just put that right on the trim plate. Just a couple little dabs. Just enough to hold it. Just to hold it on there and dry on there. Like so. In theory. And it is really just how this one is sitting.
OK here’s the tricky part. We lift this up and clip it in. Drop it back down. I actually may need a bit more silicone there in order to get that to keep. So I was trying to do just a nice temporary deal but it takes what it takes. Right? So the same thing. I am going to lift it up. Set it in. Let it down gently and than just let it sit there.
Now the silicone will dry right there. Do its thing and just cover that. Make it better. Anyway there is our nice new ceiling fan. I am just going to avoid moving it at all.
Let it dry which should take about three hours and than the trim plate will just sit there forever. Until we cut it down. Which is really easy. So no big deal. But that’s a quick fix for a small problem. Anyway here is our nice newly remodeled deal and the fan.
OK. Today I gt a ceiling fan and it’s turning the wrong way and I wanted to show you how this particular ceiling fan you change directions. When it’s turning that way it’s for heat and for air conditioning or for cooling you actually want to go the other way. Now this particular one is a little bit more tricky in that the directional switch is actually inside. Underneath the light cover and it’s right here. No big deal. Switch it that way and we’ll set our glass back up. You can see this second nut right here for the glass. A little bit different setting there. So you can set the depth. There we go. Now we’ll test it out. Switch the switch on and now we’re switched so that we’re rotating the proper direction for cooling. In the winter you may want it to blow up instead. Get your energy efficiency there. Technically it’s winter but it’s about eighty degrees out here in Palm Springs so I think we want this set on cooling. Good to go.
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Kung Fu Maintenance shows a quirky problem with some fixtures of a ceiling fan light malfunction where the lighting turns off after one second than won’t work. What to look for and how to fix it.
OK. Something I wanted show you about this particular fan. This has a maximum voltage. What happens is. There we go. See we’ve got three ceiling fan lights in and if I add another sixty watt bulb than it’ll just blank out. It’ll turn on for a minute and than the deal will blank out and than it won’t turn back on. See how it blanked out there. When I try to turn it back on it won’t turn back on.
What it is is this particular fixture needs to have four forty watt bulbs otherwise it’ll blank out. I can pull that bulb back out and than turn the switch off and now the light will light back up. But if I try to put that other bulb in there it’s going to go out again. So only forty watt bulbs for this puppy.
So what I did was went and got some forty watt bulbs instead of these sixty watt bulbs. Got the light turned on so you can see as I screw these in. When the wattage was too high it would just kick out the lights. There we go. And the final one. And now we’re staying on no problem so.
If you run into that when you replace your ceiling fan lights and all of a sudden every time you turn on your lights they click off after a second it may be a voltage protection deal to not over not to go over the wattage. Anyway this one takes all forty watt bulbs. Keeps the ceiling fan good to go.
How to replace a ceiling fan light kit. How to by youtuber KungFuMaintenance. A combination from the book “Kung Fu Maintenance”
Replacing fan light kits. Make sure your power is turned off. And if you have it, use a circuit alert device. It’s a good idea to ensure that the power is off.
What we’re going to do is reuse this top cap right here. There are three screws that hold this on, so it’s a pretty easy matter of removing those three screws here. There we go.
Now you can see the black hot, and the white neutral. And it’s usually blue from the fan for the light kit. Disconnect the hot first. Then the neutral.
So here’s our old kit. And we’re going to remove this nut here. And it’s got a little locking washer behind it. We want that. We’re gonna untwist this. We’re gonna reuse this portion here. There we go.
Here’s our new kit. It’s got these nice faux glass covers here. We’ll handle that in a second. Here’s our new light kit portion. And then we’re ready to go.
So on this one, we’re going to remove this nut and locking washer. Then we’re going to feed our old part here, over there. And rotate it on.
So you can see how some of these have been stripped and they won’t really lock tight enough. And this is why you need the locking washer and nut to hold it stronger.
Tighten our nut over the lock washer. It doesn’t have to be super tight. Hand tight is fine. A little bit tighter with pliers is fine. We’re good to go here. I’m going to go ahead and loosen these a little bit, so it will make inserting the glass a lot easier once the light kit’s in place.
Neutral wire first. Hot wire here. And you’re gonna want to tuck these in. You can see this slot here. It’s gonna go right where the switch is. It’s actually on the far side on this one. I’m gonna get some more screws started in here.
At this point is a good point to go ahead and check and make sure everything works properly. Putting one of your lights in. Verifying that it switches on and off. It’s good there. Turn the power back down.
These little bayonet based ones, you can pass the lamp shade right over the top. You don’t have to take the bulb out. But if you’ve got traditional style bulbs and medium bases, then you’re gonna need to pull the bulb out before slipping the light cover over. No big deal.
Measuring out our fan pulls here. Put some bulbs in. And we’re all set there. Nice new fan light kit.
DIY by musical artist Kung Fu Maintenance showing how to balance a wobbling ceiling fan.
OK. To balance this ceiling fan, here’s what you need a ceiling fan balancing kit. It’s got this clip here you slip on to the blades if it’s wobbling. This is the clip, here, see?
Ceiling Fan Balancing Kit
What you do is you put it onto the blades of the fan. And you turn the fan on and see if it wobbles more or less at that point. Then you do that for each of the fan blades.
Ceiling Fan Balancing Clip
And it takes a long time, because you’ve got to let the fan blades stop, and all that, so no one gets hurt. But you try it on each one of the fan blades. Whichever one gives you the least amount of wobble, that’s the one that you’re going to leave your clip on.
Ceiling Fan Balancing
And you’re going to slide it further up and down the blades of your fan. And you’re going to have it on the middle one, slide it out further, turn the fan on, and see if you get more or less wobble. Turn the fan off, then try sliding the weight towards the center of the fan, and see if you get more or less wobble. Adjust it accordingly.
Before Ceiling Fan Weight Placement
And whatever place you get the least amount of wobble on that fan blade, you’re going to take one of these weights and it has a piece of tape on the back– sticky tape. That holds the weight on. So you’re going to stick the weight right in the middle of the fan blade, at the same place as you got the least amount of wobble with your fan weight clip. So after you stick the weight on, take the fan clip off and go ahead and test it.
Ceiling Fan Balanced
If you have no more wobble, then you’re all done. If you still have some wobble, sometimes it takes more than one weight. That’s why, usually, the little kit that you buy will give you three weights. See? This one’s got two more.
Kung Fu Maintenance shows how to revive ceiling fan blade edges that are stained discolored or chipped.
So you’ve tried every cleaner under the sun to get your ceiling fan edges clean here but it’s just a gonner.
Ceiling Fan Blade Edges Stained
What I have got to show you today is how you can use these appliance bottles of appliance touch up paint to fix up theses edges and make it look like new again. If you have seen any of my videos you have probably seen me use these for just about everything but here is one that I have not showed you before. This is just a nice way to revive things if you didn’t want to just run out and replace the ceiling fan. New ceiling fan on the cheap end probably costs about 75 bucks. This way a little four dollar bottle of touch up paint it wont even take the whole bottle. You will have it to use for other things. It is a nice easy way to revive your ceiling fan. Get it going again!
This is my eleventh video. It was the first Kung Fu Maintenance video I used my voice on. To my surprise it has gotten far more hits than any of my others. This is true even though (among my vids) it is one of the most disliked uploaded videos. Perhaps for the noise (voice) (music) but I think more than anything for the fact that this repair takes so much patience. It is a tried and true method and I have done it many times. It is not my favorite repair either but it normally works, unless the fan is beyond balancing. I have had many dislikes over the brand of this particular fan. Also I think it gets many dislikes because there are some who think it is not worth it to balance a fan (or believe it impossible) and would rather buy a new one. This is fine. (You can make pizza, if you have the dough( and sauce, and cheese etc. . ). What follows is for the savers.
First clean the fan. Then tighten up all the screws. Tighten the fan blade screws and especially the down rod set screws where the down rod goes into the fan top. Often times this is enough to fix the wobble. Sometimes you can adjust the position of the light kit or the position of the down rod socket by pushing the whole fan up and turning a little bit (with power off of course). Try several different positions to see if you can rid the wobble.
If those attempts don’t rid your wobble than you will need a fan balancing kit. They are sold at most hardware stores or you can order one from my store Kung Fu Maintenance Supply and Appliance. They usually have instructions to follow which normally involve the following.
Clip the fan blade weight clip to the back edge of a fan blade either on the very end center or in the middle at the back of the blade. Turn the fan on and note if it wobbles more or less. Note the blade you started with than do the same on each of the other fan blades to determine which one gives you the least amount of wobble. This takes a lot of patience as you have to let the fan blades stop each time so no one gets hurt.
Next clip the fan weight in the center at the back of the fan blade with the least wobble. Slide the clip two inches toward the fan center and check the wobble. Than slide the clip four inch away from the center of the fan blade. Whichever direction towards the center or further away gives you the least wobble continue checking for the least wobble in two inch increments until you determine the best spot for least wobble. This is where you will stick one of the fan weights clean the spot on the center top of the fan blade really well. This way the weight doesn’t go flying off later (It’s all fun and games till someone gets hurt). Remove the plastic covering the adhesive and press it down top center of the fan blade directly in line with your fan weight clip.
Now you can remove the fan weight clip and check for wobbling. All set you’re all done but if there is still some wobble sometimes it takes more than one weight. This is why the weight kit usually comes with two or three weights. Repeat the entire process again with the second and if necessary the third weight. Yes it is understandable that this video gets some dislikes. I could even sometimes dislike it myself. It puts a real tester on ADD and caffeinated people .
This is my eleventh video. It was the first Kung Fu Maintenance video I used my voice on. To my surprise it has gotten far more hits than any of my others. This is true even though (among my vids) it is one of the most disliked uploaded videos. Perhaps for the noise (voice) (music) but I think more than anything for the fact that this repair takes so much patience. It is a tried and true method and I have done it many times. It is not my favorite repair either but it normally works, unless the fan is beyond balancing. I have had many dislikes over the brand of this particular fan. Also I think it gets many dislikes because there are some who think it is not worth it to balance a fan (or believe it impossible) and would rather buy a new one. This is fine. (You can make pizza, if you have the dough( and sauce, and cheese etc. . ). What follows is for the savers.
First clean the fan. Then tighten up all the screws. Tighten the fan blade screws and especially the down rod set screws where the down rod goes into the fan top. Often times this is enough to fix the wobble. Sometimes you can adjust the position of the light kit or the position of the down rod socket by pushing the whole fan up and turning a little bit (with power off of course). Try several different positions to see if you can rid the wobble.
If those attempts don’t rid your wobble than you will need a fan balancing kit. They are sold at most hardware stores or you can order one from my store Kung Fu Maintenance Supply and Appliance. They usually have instructions to follow which normally involve the following.
Clip the fan blade weight clip to the back edge of a fan blade either on the very end center or in the middle at the back of the blade. Turn the fan on and note if it wobbles more or less. Note the blade you started with than do the same on each of the other fan blades to determine which one gives you the least amount of wobble. This takes a lot of patience as you have to let the fan blades stop each time so no one gets hurt.
Next clip the fan weight in the center at the back of the fan blade with the least wobble. Slide the clip two inches toward the fan center and check the wobble. Than slide the clip four inch away from the center of the fan blade. Whichever direction towards the center or further away gives you the least wobble continue checking for the least wobble in two inch increments until you determine the best spot for least wobble. This is where you will stick one of the fan weights clean the spot on the center top of the fan blade really well. This way the weight doesn’t go flying off later (It’s all fun and games till someone gets hurt). Remove the plastic covering the adhesive and press it down top center of the fan blade directly in line with your fan weight clip.
Now you can remove the fan weight clip and check for wobbling. All set you’re all done but if there is still some wobble sometimes it takes more than one weight. This is why the weight kit usually comes with two or three weights. Repeat the entire process again with the second and if necessary the third weight. Yes it is understandable that this video gets some dislikes. I could even sometimes dislike it myself. It puts a real tester on caffeinated people and folks with ADD.