Best Dead Bolt Advice For Entrance Door Deadbolts

Kung Fu Maintenance shares his best front door lock security bolt tip. Something to check for on your doors.

Checking Deadbolt For Full Extension

Checking Deadbolt For Full Extension

Here is something you definitely want to check for. Check your deadbolt and make sure your bolt actually extends all the way. If not, if it’s about halfway like that if it doesn’t seat all the way into the chamber.

Weak Lock When Dead Bolt Is Partly Closed

Weak Lock When Dead Bolt Is Partly Closed

What happens is it is way to easy for someone to push it open. I will show you. seated fully it locks into place. Seated half way it is too easy for someone to push it. Like that. That is locked. And that is half way.

Strong Deadbolt When Fully Extended

Strong Deadbolt When Fully Extended

What someone can do is they can take a tool and than they would be able to reach in between there. With a screwdriver or with a flat blade knife and push it open. So you want to make sure your deadbolt locks all the way into place. Very important. Otherwise it is just too easy for someone to get in there. So again this is something you definitely want to check for.

Go and check your dead bolt make sure it is actually seated all the way. If it is not you may want to pull the strike off and drill that further in order to make sure that your deadbolt seats all the way. Because if not again someone can just stick a knife in there and just push that over and gain access that way and you don’t want that. Anyway that is one thing to check for on deadbolts. Good to go!

Good Deadbolt Seat

Good Deadbolt Seat

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Kung Fu Maintenance

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