How to Land a Maintenance Job : Getting Hired

Andrew Jackson on five twenties.

Jackson Five Photo by J.H.K.

The Links to Getting Hired

1) ~ ~ Be sober. Almost all companies these days require candidates to pass a drug and alcohol test. Many companies use a hair follicle test that shows substances used in the past ninety days.

2)~ ~ Be knowledgeable. Gaining good job knowledge will help boost your confidence during interviews. Job knowledge will help to increase your earning potential. You can gain job knowledge in many different ways: reading books (Kung Fu Maintenance will give you a good head start), experience, classes, schooling, training, the internet (youtube, google etc….) Job knowledge will also help you to pass tests that most companies give candidates.

3)~ ~ Learn a bit about each company you are applying for. What are their core values? mission statement? Etc… Most of this info can be found thru a simple google search of the company. When you find common ground with the companies that you truly want to work for you will be happier working towards the same goals of your companions.

4)~ ~ Use a simple one page resume that highlights your job knowledge and experience. Using a cover letter that utilizes the information you learned about the company in the previous step can help open a door of opportunity.

5)~ ~ Be easily contactable. Using a cell number on your resume and carrying your cell phone with you is much better than a land line so that you don’t miss any calls and so you are available faster. Return calls promptly if you do miss one. Also put an email address that sounds professional and that you check regularly. If your email name is not professional sounding make a new one. there are multiple free email services such as gmail, rocketmail, hotmail etc…

6)~ ~ Network. Check with friends and relatives about available jobs. Another good way is to talk to maintenance techs or office personnel at apartments, hotels, and such. Often they get referral bonuses for referring people to their companies that get hired on. They often have front line access to job postings within their companies and can often coach you a bit on the requirements and particulars of their company, also should you get hired on you will both have a friend in the business. It’s good to know people.

7)~ ~ Dress nicely for interviews. You don’t have to be in suit and tie (unless that is appropriate to the job you are applying for) but you don’t want to show up in flip flops and a tank top either. Put your best foot forward. Understand that maintenance is a service job and people choose whether to live, rent, shop, at places based on many factors one of them being staff appearance and impression. Employers want to hire people that their customers will be comfortable with.

8)~ ~ Ask at least one good question during an interview. It may seem silly but asking a well placed question can be even better than a well placed answer. It shows a strong sense of engagement and facilitates teamwork.


Please bookmark this page (Ctrl-D) so you can find it easily in the future. It is always good to have a go to list of links for jobs. Also please send it to anyone you know that is searching for employment. I intend to continually update this list and see it grow little by little  so please come back to experience further improvements and successes.  Also if you know of any job sites or sources you think should be on this list please submit them as a comment or response or email them to me for consideration at feedback@


The Following is a list of top notch job sites for maintenance as well as other jobs. formerly known as


Government-ish Type Jobs


America’s Job Bank




Top Notch Apartment, Hotel, and Hospital Companies Job Posts



The  Lewis Company



Less Excellent but Still Sometimes Leads to Jobs Sites



The Penny Saver


One more thing, When they ask who referred you, just tell them James H. Klovach sent you.



~~~~ Get Hired ~~~

~~~~~~~~~~~ Kung Fu Maintenance ~~~~~~~~~~~









Posted by Kung Fu Maintenance

Maintenance Supervisor/Director for over ten years, artist, author, inventor, musician, home inspector, Certified Pool Operator, and EPA Certified as a Universal HVAC Technician.

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