How to Land a Maintenance Job : Getting Hired

Andrew Jackson on five twenties.

Jackson Five Photo by J.H.K.

The Links to Getting Hired

1) ~ ~ Be sober. Almost all companies these days require candidates to pass a drug and alcohol test. Many companies use a hair follicle test that shows substances used in the past ninety days.

2)~ ~ Be knowledgeable. Gaining good job knowledge will help boost your confidence during interviews. Job knowledge will help to increase your earning potential. You can gain job knowledge in many different ways: reading books (Kung Fu Maintenance will give you a good head start), experience, classes, schooling, training, the internet (youtube, google etc….) Job knowledge will also help you to pass tests that most companies give candidates.

3)~ ~ Learn a bit about each company you are applying for. What are their core values? mission statement? Etc… Most of this info can be found thru a simple google search of the company. When you find common ground with the companies that you truly want to work for you will be happier working towards the same goals of your companions.

4)~ ~ Use a simple one page resume that highlights your job knowledge and experience. Using a cover letter that utilizes the information you learned about the company in the previous step can help open a door of opportunity.

5)~ ~ Be easily contactable. Using a cell number on your resume and carrying your cell phone with you is much better than a land line so that you don’t miss any calls and so you are available faster. Return calls promptly if you do miss one. Also put an email address that sounds professional and that you check regularly. If your email name is not professional sounding make a new one. there are multiple free email services such as gmail, rocketmail, hotmail etc…

6)~ ~ Network. Check with friends and relatives about available jobs. Another good way is to talk to maintenance techs or office personnel at apartments, hotels, and such. Often they get referral bonuses for referring people to their companies that get hired on. They often have front line access to job postings within their companies and can often coach you a bit on the requirements and particulars of their company, also should you get hired on you will both have a friend in the business. It’s good to know people.

7)~ ~ Dress nicely for interviews. You don’t have to be in suit and tie (unless that is appropriate to the job you are applying for) but you don’t want to show up in flip flops and a tank top either. Put your best foot forward. Understand that maintenance is a service job and people choose whether to live, rent, shop, at places based on many factors one of them being staff appearance and impression. Employers want to hire people that their customers will be comfortable with.

8)~ ~ Ask at least one good question during an interview. It may seem silly but asking a well placed question can be even better than a well placed answer. It shows a strong sense of engagement and facilitates teamwork.


Please bookmark this page (Ctrl-D) so you can find it easily in the future. It is always good to have a go to list of links for jobs. Also please send it to anyone you know that is searching for employment. I intend to continually update this list and see it grow little by little  so please come back to experience further improvements and successes.  Also if you know of any job sites or sources you think should be on this list please submit them as a comment or response or email them to me for consideration at feedback@


The Following is a list of top notch job sites for maintenance as well as other jobs. formerly known as


Government-ish Type Jobs


America’s Job Bank




Top Notch Apartment, Hotel, and Hospital Companies Job Posts



The  Lewis Company



Less Excellent but Still Sometimes Leads to Jobs Sites



The Penny Saver


One more thing, When they ask who referred you, just tell them James H. Klovach sent you.



~~~~ Get Hired ~~~

~~~~~~~~~~~ Kung Fu Maintenance ~~~~~~~~~~~









Posted by Kung Fu Maintenance in The KFM Blog, Tips, 0 comments

Wash and Dry Combo

Have you seen these wash and dry combos? Toss in dirty clothes shut the door, turn it on, and when it’s finished you have clean dry clothes. No need to changeover from wash to dry.

[ad name=”Washer Dryer Combos”]

Pretty cool, eh?

Some pros about these washer/dryer combos follow.

• Easier on clothing as it does not have an agitator (big honking plastic post in the center of the washer) that pushes your clothes around, wearing them out prematurely.
• Most are front loaders. Front loaders generally use less detergent and less water to get results.
• Many are easier on the environment and energy star approved.
• Many have self dispensing detergent dispensers so you don’t have to measure in detergent every time. Just reload the dispenser once in a while.
• Many use standard voltage electrical outlets so you don’t have to do expensive or extensive rewiring.
• Many do not require complex venting setups.
• Uses less space. One cyborg instead of two.

Seems too good, a plug and play device that washes and dries in one loading. According to reviews there does seem to be some drawbacks.

Some of the cons of these washer/dryer combos follow

• Hard to find someone who can fix them, when, and if they breakdown.
• Considerably longer wash and dry times. It usually has a smaller capacity which can slow down production on the never ending story called laundry.
• Larger families may need more than one of these to make it work out well for them.

If I could design an apartment complex I would put one of these in each bedroom closet. It’s no longer just a clothes hamper, it’s a washer dryer combo. Set the timer so it finishes in the morning and the clothes are nice and warm. Now you’re ready for action.

~~~combo style~~~
~~~~~~~Kung Fu Maintenance~~~~~~~~~~~


Posted by Kung Fu Maintenance in The KFM Blog, Tips, 3 comments

Getting Vertical ~ Repairing Vertical Blinds

Let us say you go to open your vertical blinds and oh no, the blinds won’t open. The first thing to check for is any blind slats that are out of line with the others. Look for any that are overlapping the others the wrong way and push the top corner to set it the right way. This is the most often needed repair for vertical blinds. Blinds often get out of alignment due to wind, people, pets, vacuums, chairs etc…



A bigger problem is when one of the gears gets turned out of step with the other gears. The repair is performed by turning the stem the right way. Sometimes you can grab the stem and turn it with your hand. Take care not to bend the slat itself or it may break. Often you will need or want to remove the slat. That makes it easier to grab the stem with a pair of pliers and then pop it over.

This repair sometimes causes a gear tooth to break. Replacing stem gears is fairly easy and I will try to make a video for that repair in the future. I cover all of these repairs and much more in my book, Kung Fu Maintenance. I have another video at present titled The Master Blind Gear. I hope you like it and that it serves you well. It covers (as you probably guessed) how to replace a stripped master blind gear controller for vertical blinds.

Be extra careful when working with blinds and appliances as the metal is often unfinished metal and very sharp. I have given blood numerous times. A little precaution makes for a better day.

~~~ Get Vertical ~~~ Stay Above Horizontal ~~

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Kung Fu Maintenance ~~~~~~~~~~

Posted by Kung Fu Maintenance in The KFM Blog, 0 comments

KFM Reasonings to Choose Dupont ISCEON R-438A Over R-410A

While R410A air conditioning puts out more cooling BTU’s it often uses more electrical energy in the short and/or long run.

R410A equipment often has a higher amp draw requiring wiring upgrades, larger breakers, larger wires, larger electrical whips, and fuses etc…

Often evaporator coils and line sets need to be replaced to accommodate the higher pressures that R410a uses.

ISCEON® MO99™ (alternatively called R-438A) retrofit has far less of an environmental impact.

R-22 system does not need to be flushed when retro fitting to ISCEON MO99. For R-410A retrofit, system must be flushed and oil changed.

For ISCEON MO99 retrofit, oil does not need to be replaced. R-410A uses a different oil type (poe (polyester) oil) that will not mix right with R-22’s oil type (mineral oil) and so oil must be changed.

ISCEON MO99 can be used with existing R-22 condensors and evaporators as long as Schrader valves and or seals are replaced. (ISCEON MO99 refrigerant causes seals that have been using R-22 to shrink.) R-410A uses higher pressures and should not be used with R-22 compressors so whole condensers are usually replaced, seals and all.

ISCEON M099 has a lower operating temperature at the compressor and is slightly easier on the compressor the heart of the air condition system.
Both R410A and ISCEON MO99 are not going to be phased out thru the Montreal Protocol like R-22 in 2020.

ISCEON M099 does not damage the ozone layer. (At least not like cows do! Or R-22)

Of course all of this is debatable and that should be interesting so let’s get at it. If you have some ideas why you think R-410A (or another refrigerant) is the way to go I would love to hear them. Alternatively, if you have any more points about the benefits of ISCEON MO99 (R438A) that would be cool. Share your experiences here on The KFM Blog as a response. If I think they are worthy I will post them as long as things are kept clean. Fair Enough?

~~~ Keep it Cool ~ Keep It Real ~~~

~~~~~~~~~~ Kung Fu Maintenance ~~~~~


Posted by Kung Fu Maintenance in Air Conditions, The KFM Blog, Tips, 2 comments

Increasing Your Balance ~ Weighting out a Ceiling Fan Wobble

This is  my eleventh video. It was the first Kung Fu Maintenance video I used my voice on. To my surprise it has gotten far more hits than any of my others. This is true even though (among my vids) it is one of the most disliked uploaded videos. Perhaps for the noise (voice) (music) but I think more than anything for the fact that this repair takes so much patience. It is a tried and true method and I have done it many times. It is not my favorite repair either but it normally works, unless the fan is beyond balancing. I have had many dislikes over the brand of this particular fan. Also I think it gets many dislikes because there are some who think it is not worth it to balance a fan (or believe it impossible) and would rather buy a new one. This is fine. (You can make pizza, if you have the dough( and sauce, and cheese etc. . ). What follows is for the savers.



First clean the fan. Then tighten up all the screws. Tighten the fan blade screws and especially the down rod set screws where the down rod goes into the fan top. Often times this is enough to fix the wobble. Sometimes you can adjust the position of the light kit or the position of the down rod socket by pushing the whole fan up and turning a little bit (with power off of course). Try several different positions to see if you can rid the wobble.

If those attempts don’t rid your wobble than you will need a fan balancing kit. They are sold at most hardware stores or you can order one from my store Kung Fu Maintenance Supply and Appliance. They usually have instructions to follow which normally involve the following.

Clip the fan blade weight clip to the back edge of a fan blade either on the very end center or in the middle at the back of the blade. Turn the fan on and note if it wobbles more or less. Note the blade you started with than do the same on each of the other fan blades to determine which one gives you the least amount of wobble. This takes a lot of patience as you have to let the fan blades stop each time so no one gets hurt.

Next clip the fan weight in the center at the back of the fan blade with the least wobble. Slide the clip two inches toward the fan center and check the wobble. Than slide the clip four inch away from the center of the fan blade. Whichever direction towards the center or further away gives you the least wobble continue checking for the least wobble in two inch increments until you determine the best spot for least wobble. This is where you will stick one of the fan weights clean the spot on the center top of the fan blade really well. This way the weight doesn’t go flying off later (It’s all fun and games till someone gets hurt). Remove the plastic covering the adhesive and press it down top center of the fan blade directly in line with your fan weight clip.

Now you can remove the fan weight clip and check for wobbling. All set you’re all done but if there is still some wobble sometimes it takes more than one weight. This is why the weight kit usually comes with two or three weights. Repeat the entire process again with the second and if necessary the third weight. Yes it is understandable that this video gets some dislikes. I could even sometimes dislike it myself. It puts a real tester on ADD and caffeinated people .


~~~Increasing your Balance~~~

~~~~~~~~~~Kung Fu Maintenance~~~~~~~~~~~





Posted by Kung Fu Maintenance in Air Conditions, The KFM Blog, Tips, 0 comments

Make Them Run ~ When Ants Attack

Here is a quick attack back technique when you need to stem the tide of attacking ants to make a repair. This strategy works well for making a repair in a situation where there are ants and a repair needs to happen before pest control or other final methods of wiping out the hoard can be employed.

I have been bitten a few times as you can see in my photos here. On this particular occasion I was bitten by black ants. The little raised red swellings and itching took awhile to go away. The feeling stretched further then the bite itself.  I could feel a tingling sensation in my skin and blood stream around the bite for the three to five days it took to heal.


Have you ever been bitten by ants?

Ants are pretty unique bugs, man do they work hard. They are dedicated and dependent on their community. Have you ever seen a trail of ants following each other on the ground and swiped your finger on the ground across the path and watched the followers wander around blindly? Ants follow each other thru pheromones which is similar to a sense of smell. Your finger swipe leaves its own pheromones and disorients the ants trail. Ants don’t depend on vision to follow each other across the field. They depend on the pheromone trail.

I suppose that is enough of the entomology lesson so on with the technique. Just spray the area and vicinity you need to make the repair in with window cleaner (a little dish soap mixed with water most times works also). Wait five minutes or whatever it takes (there are I imagine some more defiant species so by all means re-spray as needed) and make your repair. Most window cleaners will have a melting and dissolving affect on the ants and will melt or eat thru their exoskeletons. The buggers won’t like that and will scatter for cover. This also works great as a temporary block. They don’t like it so much that creating a barrier with window cleaner will often keep them away for several days.

Due to the adverse affects of pesticides (Life forms die). Most states and governments require people to obtain special licenses to spray pesticides in someone else’s dwelling or temporary quarters. Most states and governments require you to have the necessary pesticide license for the particular pesticides obtained thru proper training and testing. Window cleaner is a great way to let people either temporarily treat their own place or for service individuals to temporarily block a nasty situation until more permanent pest control can be arranged.

This app works great for sprinkler repairs or installs. It also works great for changing ground lights whether fixtures or bulbs (of course turn off the breaker first). It is much preferred then using a pesticide because you won’t have to get pesticides all over your hands before breakfast, lunch, or dinner. You score bonus points if you bring a rag so you can clean the light lens cover while you’re there.

~~~~Fight to win~~~

~~~~~~~~~ Kung Fu Maintenance~~~~





Posted by Kung Fu Maintenance in The KFM Blog, Tips, 0 comments

Stainless Steel Reasons to Choose Stainless Steel Refrigerators and Appliances

Twelve reasons why schools, restaurants, hospitals, hotels, apartment complexes, and now homeowners are choosing stainless steel refrigerators and appliances.

Stainless steel is easy to clean.

Stainless steel is resilient to stains.

Stainless steel can be easily disinfected.

Stainless steel is very durable.

Stainless steel is not easily scratched.

Stainless steel can be polished to shine.

Stainless steel compliments almost all varieties of colors and Interior design styles.

Stainless steel looks especially good with brushed nickel or black accessories and appliances.

Stainless steel has a professional appearance.

Stainless steel  is not expensively priced.

(. . . at least not in my store, Kung Fu Maintenance Supply and Appliance)

Stainless steel can be re-grained if needed.

Stainless steel can withstand heat.

(Such as the placement of a hot pan or pot.)

Stainless steel has a large variety of matching stainless steel small appliances and accessories.

Light fixtures, ceiling fans, coffee makers, toasters, faucets, microwaves, dishwashers, ranges, pots, pans, washers, dryers, counter tops, sinks, and more come in stainless steel and/or stainless steel hybrids.


Posted by Kung Fu Maintenance in The KFM Blog, Tips, 0 comments

Seven Smart Steps to Lower Cooling Bills, Improve Air Quality, and Preserve Air Condition Units

Clean Condensor Coils.

First pull the A/C disconnect and discharge the capacitor. Next rinse the coils with a garden hose and hand sprayer (make sure the spray is not too strong to avoid bending the condenser fins) starting from the inside fins thru the lid, spray as much of the dirt to the outside. Avoid getting the fan condenser motor wet but do rinse off the blades as needed. Next clean off the outside of the fins with the spray spraying straight but angle downward. Avoid spraying sideways to prevent bending the fins. Next apply the coil cleaner with a garden sprayer or by following manufacturer’s recommendations. Wait manufacturers recommended time (usually about five minutes) and rinse the coils inside and out thoroughly.

Mechanics and Methods of Air Conditioner Repair

Artwork diagram from the book Kung Fu Maintenance

Clean Evaporator Coils.

A no rinse evaporator coil cleaner is the easiest way to clean the evaporator coil. Spray it on the coils turn on the evaporator coil. Reset the panel door turn on the A/C and wait the manufacturers recommended time (usually between five and thirty minutes).

Replace  Air Filters.

Replace filters every three months and every month if possible during higher use seasons. If you or a family member suffer from allergies use a HEPA filter. HEPA stands for high efficiency particle arrestor. The HEPA filter catches smaller particles so your noses and lungs don’t have to.

Clear Condensate Pans, Drains,  and Lines.

Use a wet dry vacuum to vacuum out the pan and lines. On some systems you may need to hook up a smaller hose to the wet dry suction to get better access to the pan. You can make a quick rig for this with a small length of plastic hose and duct tape. Just insert two to three foot length of hose into wet dry vacuum suction hose end and duct tape in place wrapping the tape around the union covering all gaps (makeshift reducer coupling).

Add Condensate Tablets to Drain Pans.

Good condensate pan tablets contain rust and mold inhibitors. They also contain an anti-coagulant that keeps the dirt from clumping together and clogging your condensate drain. They will help preserve the life of your condensate drain pan as well as help keep the air you and your guests are breathing healthier and better smelling.

Tape all Areas of Air Leakage at Air Handler.

Apply HVAC foil tape or other HVAC rated tape to seal any open joints. Use an old dollar bill or a paper towel to locate any air leakage whether blowing out or sucking in. Hold the dollar bill or paper by one end and see if the other end is affected, either sucked towards or blown away from the air handler when you move it around the system. That is a one dollar or less air leak locator. Seal off any leakages with tape to improve the efficiency of the system.

Check for Fifteen to Twenty Degree Split.

Turn on the system and wait five to ten minutes for the pressures to equalize. Test the temperature going in the intake vent and then test the temperature coming out of one of the registers. If you have two thermometers, set one up at each, and take your readings. If your reading coming out of the register is fifteen to twenty degrees cooler then the air being sucked into the intake then your refrigerant charge is ok. If not then your system will need to be charged and the refrigerant leak located (most often at a Schrader valve, I cover this and many other factors in my book Kung Fu Maintenance). If you are not EPA certified you will need the services of a qualified HVAC technician.

~~~ Stay Cool ~~

~~~~~~ Kung Fu Maintenance ~~~~~

Posted by Kung Fu Maintenance in Air Conditions, The KFM Blog, Tips, 0 comments

Taking Back the Throne ~ Harry Porter and the Pumice Stone

So you clean your commode with a toilet brush use lots of chemical but no matter how much elbow grease and cleaning product you use you are still stuck with an ugly ring. What you need here is a pumice stone. If you have an epoxy colored toilet or have any doubt if the pumice stone might scratch the toilet than test it first, either inside the tank, or on the bottom, or back of the tank where it will not be seen. Wear two to three pairs of disposable latex gloves. Unwrap one end of the pumice stone and use it with your favorite bowl cleaner to rub out the ring. It is a soft sanding stone and it will not scratch your porcelain but with a little effort it will remove even the most stubborn rings. Back track your outer glove over the remaining pumice stone wrapping it up to save it for another round. Now your toilet looks more like a throne.

Ins and out of toilet repairs

Chapter 6 artwork diagram from the book Kung Fu Maintenance


~~~Maintaining the Throne~~~

~~~~~~~~~~Kung Fu Maintenance~~~~~~~


Posted by Kung Fu Maintenance in The KFM Blog, Tips, 1 comment

Bring Your Stainless Steel Kitchen Sink Back To Life

Stainless Steel Sink and Green Scrubber

Green Scrubber Pad for Stainless Steel Sink

So you polish your kitchen sink with your favorite stainless steel polish but it still lacks the luster it once held. What you need is a quite simple technique called re-graining. Take a green scrubber pad the kind you normally use for cleaning pots and such and use it like sandpaper to polish the sink. The green scrubber pad actually has tiny bits of metal in it and will scratch out stubborn mineral deposits with moderate pressure. You never want to use the green scrubber pad on fiberglass, white (or other colored) epoxy sinks, porcelain, or countertops, as it will scratch these surfaces. Follow up your re-grain with your favorite stainless steel polish and enjoy the gleam.


~~Shine On~

~~~~~Kung Fu


Posted by Kung Fu Maintenance in The KFM Blog, Tips, 0 comments