
Washing Machine: Five Most Common Problems Blog

Washing Machine: Five Most Common Problems Blog

OK, today I wanted to go over the five most common problems with washing machines with you.

00:19 The number one most often problem with washing machines is a washing machine that doesn’t drain or spin, most often caused by a broken lid switch.

You should hear a click as this goes into place. If you don’t hear that click then your, or if your washing machine is not going into its final cycles
it’s most often this lid switch here.

Sometimes you can just press on this right side and get it to engage the switch. Also occasionally you can just adjust the post a little bit
so that the post will stick further into the switch which will engage the switch. Also sometimes you can just adjust the switch or tighten it up.
Often it needs to be replaced I have a video on that.

01:05 Second most often problem with washing machines often goes undetected something you’d probably want to check regularly is that your agitator dogs are working properly. What it should do is turn the bottom one-way or the other. So this one is turning it like it should and the agitator dogs are functioning. Now if it’s not doing that than your clothes are just getting rinsed. They are not really getting washed. It is an often missed
problem with washing machines. And it is probably very common because the agitator dogs inside here are designed to break if someone’s arm was to get stuck in here or if something was to bind up too much the agitator dogs will actually strip on purpose as a safety mechanism.

01:50 Third most common problem with washing machines is a clogged pump at the impeller. Sometimes a penny or a button, or something else, a bobby pin, whatever goes down the drain line and gets stuck at the pump.

02:05 Fourth most common problem is a leak. Most often leaks occur up on the left side.

Fifth most common problem is a washing machine out of balance. Now the most often cause of the machine being out of balance is just a matter of redistributing the clothes. Usually a towel or something gets on one side and you hear the whump whump whump whump of the machine.

What you need to do is open the lid and than go ahead and readjust the clothing or go ahead and readjust the towel. Readjust the items in the bin to get it more balanced. Then go ahead and run it again see if it works out and you have no more out of balance deal.

Sometimes you could lose a spring. Most often times it’s just that the
machine is out of balance. Eventually I’ll have to make you a video showing you how to reset the spring if it did come off.

There are three different shocks and then there is a spring that holds the machine basin in place.

Now the way to check if your machine is still in balance is just ahead and run it empty with water. Let the water fill up. If the machine finds its balance than you know it was just a matter of the clothes or the laundry items being out of balance

Anyway that is the five most common problems with washing machines!

~ TFW ~..~ KFM ~

Posted by Kung Fu Maintenance in The KFM Blog, Tips, 0 comments

Rustoleum Countertops and Cabinet Refinishing Contest

Have you seen these new countertop and cabinet refinishing products from rustoleum? I would whistle but I don’t know how to write it so you could read it. They do look nice in the adverbs. I am wondering how they hold up. I have to say rustoleum products have been very good, to me in the past. They have done as much or better than I expected at times.
Their reputation is very good and I don’t think they would risk it for the small bit of money they make in extra countertop and cabinet paint.

I have yet to see anybodies countertop refinishing products hold up perfectly. I am in favor of something like this that is regularly available so that touch ups are possible for us maintainers.

They have specialized paints for countertops and for cabinets. I have been searching sometime for these types of products. I must say I will step back and wait and listen for how this holds up but it looks so good. I would really like to try it.
Well they are running a contest for what you can do with their products to upgrade a kitchen. I have put the link below so that you can check it out. The grand prize is a five thousand dollar gift card.



If you try it, Please let me know how it works and holds up for you. Make some noise. Holler at me now, and, or, five, ten, tweny , one hundred, or more years from now. Yell at me about the first scratch, blemish, or burn mark. I just want to hear about it in the comment reply section below.

Contest terms can be found here.

Looks like you will have to hurry as the contest ends at 11:59 pm ET on 9/30/2011
That leaves you just under two months from the time of this posting to get it done. Happy painting! I So Hope You Win! But more than that, I hope you like your new kitchen! (or bathroom if you don’t care about the contest!) Give me a shout if you do! Give me a grumble if you don’t!

Glad you are out there,

Just like me,

Kung Fu Maintenance

P.S. I would still like to hear from you about this product long after the contest ends so make some noise even if this post should find you in the far future.

Don’t forget to Hollerrrrrrrrrrrrrr! And Google + me 2! Thank You!

Posted by Kung Fu Maintenance in The KFM Blog, Tips, 0 comments

Defending Power Tool Battery Lives

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I have killed a lot of power tool batteries over the years and I wanted to try to spare you the same experience. In each instance what I did wrong was over use the tool so that it was overheated and kept pushing the battery to finish a job even though the battery was clearly low on power. What I have learned is that it is good to use your batteries till they are low on power and then recharge them in order to get good charging cycles. But what you don’t want to do is drive the battery into the ground when it is low on power. It can be frustrating if you are trying to finish up a job and your batteries run low. It is always good to have a backup battery for these instances, or even a back up tool.


More Power To You!

~~~~Kung Fu Maintenance~~~~


Posted by Kung Fu Maintenance in Power Tools, The KFM Blog, 0 comments