
Rustoleum Countertops and Cabinet Refinishing Contest

Have you seen these new countertop and cabinet refinishing products from rustoleum? I would whistle but I don’t know how to write it so you could read it. They do look nice in the adverbs. I am wondering how they hold up. I have to say rustoleum products have been very good, to me in the past. They have done as much or better than I expected at times.
Their reputation is very good and I don’t think they would risk it for the small bit of money they make in extra countertop and cabinet paint.

I have yet to see anybodies countertop refinishing products hold up perfectly. I am in favor of something like this that is regularly available so that touch ups are possible for us maintainers.

They have specialized paints for countertops and for cabinets. I have been searching sometime for these types of products. I must say I will step back and wait and listen for how this holds up but it looks so good. I would really like to try it.
Well they are running a contest for what you can do with their products to upgrade a kitchen. I have put the link below so that you can check it out. The grand prize is a five thousand dollar gift card.



If you try it, Please let me know how it works and holds up for you. Make some noise. Holler at me now, and, or, five, ten, tweny , one hundred, or more years from now. Yell at me about the first scratch, blemish, or burn mark. I just want to hear about it in the comment reply section below.

Contest terms can be found here.

Looks like you will have to hurry as the contest ends at 11:59 pm ET on 9/30/2011
That leaves you just under two months from the time of this posting to get it done. Happy painting! I So Hope You Win! But more than that, I hope you like your new kitchen! (or bathroom if you don’t care about the contest!) Give me a shout if you do! Give me a grumble if you don’t!

Glad you are out there,

Just like me,

Kung Fu Maintenance

P.S. I would still like to hear from you about this product long after the contest ends so make some noise even if this post should find you in the far future.

Don’t forget to Hollerrrrrrrrrrrrrr! And Google + me 2! Thank You!

Posted by Kung Fu Maintenance in The KFM Blog, Tips, 0 comments

Making Your Maintenance or Maintenance Supervisor Job Much Easier

Rooftop Palm Springs SunsetMaking Your  Job Much Easier

1) Line up Quality Vendors. Talk is cheap but quality is priceless. Watch for vendors that care and are into what they do. Craftsmanship may seem a lost art but it does still exist.

2) Keep prices competitive. Paying more doesn’t mean you will get a better job anymore. Once upon a time it did. It still can but it is rare.

3) Encourage their performance. When you do find quality, value their work with more work and appropriate pay. Recognize extra efforts. Give them opportunities to bid for other jobs.

4) They must understand that results are not an option. We must understand that results are not an option. Our employers certainly understand that results are not an option. Our customers hope that results are not an option.

5) Line up jobs and line up bids. List all the most common repairs needed at your property and develop plans of action. Recognize the jobs that will cost you much less time, effort and money, to do in house. Determine which jobs will save you the most time, energy, and money to vend out. Make sure you are getting apples to apples bids. The more you understand about needed repairs, the easier time you will have developing a plan. The better plans you develop the easier you can communicate it to your vendors. The better you communicate the better chance your vendors will have of meeting your expectations.

6) Keep a running wish list for capital improvements.

7) Research better solutions for the problems that plague you. Develop a jig if possible or a template to make jobs that must be repeated much easier.

8) Keep a running list of supplies and parts needed. This way when you do order parts and supplies, you don’t forget anything.

9) Develop and Implement the best preventative maintenance program you can. When you prevent things from going wrong in bulk, life becomes so much easier. Developing an understanding of the challenges at your property and building up solutions will save you countless headaches.

Experience can be tough but when you learn from it difficulty will be less on in. Think strategically. Recycle your tough experiences into hitting first where it counts.


~~~ Gain Some Nice Ground ~~~

~~~~~~~~~~~ Kung Fu Maintenance ~~~~~~~~~~~


Posted by Kung Fu Maintenance in The KFM Blog, Tips, 2 comments