
Quite Possibly The Printable Concrete Future Of Construction

Here are some quite interesting videos on the application of 3D printing to construction. It seems to be very promising for the future when combined with concrete and has the potential to completely revolutionize the way we construct homes and office buildings.

There is a lot of waste and areas for improvement under current construction methods and the following ideas seem to lean towards an inevitable means of cost savings, time savings, energy savings, energy efficiency and safety improvements. Though I think it sad that many jobs may change, I still think it useful to understand and be ahead of these changes so that those who are in the industry can better position themselves for the future.

I hope to be doing more posts soon on many possible advancements in technology of maintenance and construction. Your sharing this post will help let me know the level of interest in the subject of technology as it applies to maintenance and construction.

~ Build On

Posted by Kung Fu Maintenance in The KFM Blog, 0 comments