00:10 Welcome to the Kung Fu Maintenance dashboard!
00:12 Today I’m going to be showing you well, one-way
00:16 you might improve your english if your learning
00:20 reading, writing, understanding
00:21 improving
00:23 pronunciation, dialogue, all those types of things
00:25 what i have here is using the closed captions feature inside
00:29 youtube
00:30 I haven’t done it to all my videos
00:32 I’ve made a start here in doing this
00:35 and in translating
00:36 I’ll maximize it
00:40 what it does down at the bottom is it has got these captions
00:44 as long as you select that.
00:46 Now let me show you how to do that. Down at the very bottom
00:50 click on this little “cc” button right here
00:54 and that turns on the captions
00:56 and now you click on the captions button
00:59 and you can bring up your language so let us say spanish, russian, portuguese
01:04 japanese, italian, german, french,
01:07 chinese, arabic
01:08 I’d like to add more languages little by little. If you don’t see your
01:12 language here please just put a comment on this video requesting
01:15 your language and
01:17 I’ll consider adding it if it’s possible for me to do it. Also little by little I
01:21 may need help with translations so
01:24 if you’re interested in
01:25 translating or proofing translations you can also put a
01:28 message on here. I am going to be doing a lot of videos and
transffering them over
01:32 also sometimes the translations may not be that good
01:36 so let us
01:37 see on this one today I wanted to go over the five most common problems with washing machines
01:41 converted it to spanish
01:43 and it says it in spanish. Now i’m not sure how accurate that is
01:47 you’ll have to tell me
01:50 I poquitho(Spanish for tiny) know only a tiny
01:51 bit of Spanish
01:54 not enough to translate this but i am trying to learn, I like to learn
01:58 different languages it’s just kind of something I have been studying
02:00 anyway
02:01 anyway here it is in Arabic and
02:05 here it is in Chinese
02:07 so anyway you if you wanted to improve your
02:09 English
02:10 this would be one way
02:12 you can have the subtitles in your own language and than
02:17 watch the video
02:18 and you will get to kind of learn
02:20 two things, well a few things. You will get to learn how to fix stuff as well as
02:26 learn a different language so hopefully that is helpful to you
02:30 uh… one more thing here
02:33 Let me pause the video here
02:36 and go over to my
02:38 blog site The KFM Blog
02:41 now you can get here
02:42 by going to my channel
02:44 I just clicked on my channel here the
KungFuMaintenance channel and i’ve
02:48 got a link here to the blog The KFM Blog
02:52 now on the blog
02:53 I’ve got all these different blogs and I have started putting the translations
02:57 from the
02:57 the youtube videos below each
03:00 video blog so
03:02 for instance this one is all translated
and it’s got the time segments so that you can
03:07 translate it over easier but the
03:09 thing that is really neat about this
03:12 about my site here
03:14 is that you can go down
03:15 to the translator and you can actually translate
in into your language so
03:21 if you wanted to see it in a different language
for instance let us say you understand Hebrew
03:24 really good but you don’t understand English so well
03:27 than you can
03:28 click over
03:29 and change it into Hebrew
03:31 than you can read the articles in Hebrew
03:33 and watch the video
03:34 to go along with it so
03:37 little by little I am going to be adding more and more to this
03:40 again you are probably going to see some errors so
03:43 you have to take it with a
03:46 grain of salt here but
03:47 little by little I am going to have to add this and edit and fix
03:51 different problems there may be some humorous stuff
03:54 I’ve actually had some pretty humorous things
happen with the translation
03:58 hopefully uh… nothing offensive in there with the translation please forgive me if
04:03 there is, it’s not me I don’t translate this i don’t know
04:06 these languages I don’t know hot to speak Finish or German
04:09 I do try to learn
04:11 things a little bit but I’m a far ways from actually understanding those things
04:16 so anyway I hope that helps if you’re
04:18 out there wanting to learn english as well
as pick up some maintenance skills
04:22 along the way this is kind of a nice way to
04:25 a few things at the same time so i hope
you like, favorite, and subscribe
04:29 and if you
04:31 feel up for it there is a donate button
here that helps me do what I do
04:35 Let me try to get this back
04:38 to English here let’s see here we go
04:41 and now it is going to translate it back into
English so
04:44 also got a link to my book
04:46 on the blog here
04:49 and got the donate button where you can
04:51 buy me a cup of coffee
04:52 which would be great
04:53 helps me do what I do and put a
04:56 little energy behind it
04:57 kick start me on the next blog
04:59 or on the next video
05:01 anyway I hope the videos help
05:03 hope you like this video hope it helps some of you out there. Thanks for watching!
Making Your Maintenance or Maintenance Supervisor Job Much Easier
1) Line up Quality Vendors. Talk is cheap but quality is priceless. Watch for vendors that care and are into what they do. Craftsmanship may seem a lost art but it does still exist.
2) Keep prices competitive. Paying more doesn’t mean you will get a better job anymore. Once upon a time it did. It still can but it is rare.
3) Encourage their performance. When you do find quality, value their work with more work and appropriate pay. Recognize extra efforts. Give them opportunities to bid for other jobs.
4) They must understand that results are not an option. We must understand that results are not an option. Our employers certainly understand that results are not an option. Our customers hope that results are not an option.
5) Line up jobs and line up bids. List all the most common repairs needed at your property and develop plans of action. Recognize the jobs that will cost you much less time, effort and money, to do in house. Determine which jobs will save you the most time, energy, and money to vend out. Make sure you are getting apples to apples bids. The more you understand about needed repairs, the easier time you will have developing a plan. The better plans you develop the easier you can communicate it to your vendors. The better you communicate the better chance your vendors will have of meeting your expectations.
6) Keep a running wish list for capital improvements.
7) Research better solutions for the problems that plague you. Develop a jig if possible or a template to make jobs that must be repeated much easier.
8) Keep a running list of supplies and parts needed. This way when you do order parts and supplies, you don’t forget anything.
9) Develop and Implement the best preventative maintenance program you can. When you prevent things from going wrong in bulk, life becomes so much easier. Developing an understanding of the challenges at your property and building up solutions will save you countless headaches.
Experience can be tough but when you learn from it difficulty will be less on in. Think strategically. Recycle your tough experiences into hitting first where it counts.
~~~ Gain Some Nice Ground ~~~
~~~~~~~~~~~ Kung Fu Maintenance ~~~~~~~~~~~